Ver 1.9.0 Bad Vaccine release pending :P- July - 28 -2021.
[*] Code to show hub's total share in show and showhub.php Delion's request. [Boro]. Beta testing on english domain only.
[*] Some initial work on better graphs again - in progress.
Ver 1.8.9 -
[*] Added hubs stats page link (req. Delion), and connect to hub in myhubs.php [akruk].
[*] Added reg-news for polish speaking community. INDEX page in
[*] New pinger integration. When Legacy Pinger checkbox is set - old ping will be used if left unchecked - new ping will run.
[*] Fixed invalid stats in footer in PL, RU, ans IT pages. It was missing nmdsc in condition thus Rolexes' hub was not taken into consideration.
[*] PHP 7.4.3 with Apache 2.4.41 and MySQL(i) 10.4.11-MariaDB server update.
[*] Western Digital Blue Nvme install for server main storage for www.
[*] All subdomains updated. [Language variations].
Ver 1.8.7 - August - 03 -2019.
[*] Added. nmdcs:// for TLS encripted Verlihub hubs. Verlihub + only! Check this out:
[*] Added. TLS certificate .crt upload option for nmdcs:// hubs. Hades.
[*] Changed. TLS icon in showhub.php and show.php respectively. Shows only for secured TLS hubs that have TLS cert uploaded properly (in .crt format and zipped in .zip). Hades.
[*] Lock icon with TLS now will show in dc clients before hub's name for all hubs that are secure and uploaded theirs .crt in zip format. [Hades.]
[*] Note!! R.C One stage - pushed - Please report all bugs in bugs report section.THANX!!! .
Ver 1.8.5 - February - 15 -2019.
[*] Chart tweaks. Monthly ping user stats now available. Delion.
[*] CSS tweaks - small fixes in "right boxes". Alignment basically. Hades.
[*] Go-Hub support added (ALPN still on to do list). Hades
[*] Missing lang phrases for admin CP fixed. Hades
Ver 1.8.4 - FInalized on Dec - 30 -2018.
[*] - Annual hub user records are up and running with graphs for NMDC and ADC.
[*] - GRAPHS finalized. 24 hour ping stats and 7 day user stats implemented.
Ver 1.8.2 -beta-Finalized Nov.17.2018.
[*] New GRAPHS with better stats are being tested. If all works good will be passed over to final 1.8.3 This makes [automatic daily stats reset every day at 8 PM EST] from 1.7.6 commit obsolete - code cleanup will be needed.
[*] CHARSETS were fixed globally via PHP. Commit by Hades. Now all displays correctly including Russian language.
[*] RUSSIAN TRANSLATION - complete. Commit by CyberGhost404. Many thanx!
[*] POLISH TRANSLATION - complete. Commit by Hades. Many thanx!
[*] Function to EDIT HUBS COUNTRY added. Commit by PdoX. ThanX!
[*] HUB'S DESCRIPTION database and html. (Delion).
[*] Link for ADC ONLY HUBLIST was added. (Delion).
[*] Fix for adc hubs messed up online status reported by akruk. Commit by Hades.
Ver 1.8.1 -Reworked on: Oct-07-2018
[*] Some multilanguage work. This is stage one.There will be many badly translated frases as well as prob some bad links. Please report it here.
[*] Per some requests - hub owner now can edit hubs country - this wont be overwritten by pinger. Will stay for good. Server automatic geolocation - stays automatic.
Ver 1.8.0 -Reworked on: Sept-16-2018
[*] Fix for reported lack of adcs:// (secure ADC) protocol tab in hub info edit page. Confirmed and fixed.
Ver 1.7.9 -Reworked on: Sept-09-2018
[*] Added fix for missing pingers BINF.
Now all ADC hubs are fully supported including ADCH++
Ver 1.7.8 -Reworked on: Sept-04-2018
[*] Added fix for outdated GeoIP database.
Old one was "showing" some Lithuanian IPs as ones from Denmark :P
Ver 1.7.7 - Alpha. -Reworked on: July-28-2018
[*] Added fix for Open Dc Hub - available for download at this board.
[*] Added Open Dc Hub regex (code), database update.
Ver 1.7.6 - Beta. -Reworked on: Feb-01-2018
[*] Added automatic daily stats reset every day at 8 PM EST. This is an attempt to make this script fully automatic with minimal human corrections required to run correctly.
[*] Added local servers time display at the bottom of each page.
[*] Fixed bug - YnHub Version: 1.037 not recognized.