Here are steps to fairly quickly compile ADCH++ x64 bit (Written strictly for Ubuntu Linux 20.04.1 LTS but as we know Linuxes are similar).
Get the latest source. Current ver. is 3.0.1 and supports TLS 1.3
Once there click on Download Snapshot link (it will take some time).
Save the source some place you remember.
1. Install build tools
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sudo apt-get install build-essential
2. Install Python with devel and distutils.
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sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev
3. Install scons
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sudo apt-get install scons
4. Install swig
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sudo apt-get install swig
5. Install Ruby and ruby dev
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sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev
6. Install openssl and libssh-dev
sudo apt-get install openssl libssh-dev
7. Install mercurial
sudo apt-get install mercurial
8. Install libstdc++-devel -
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sudo apt-get install libstdc++6
9. Install readline-devel -
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sudo apt-get install -y libreadline-dev
Unzip source then go to unzipped folder in shell type:
scons mode=release arch=x64
1.Create folder /home/$user/adchpp ($user is your linux username).
2.Move contents of build/bin here
3. Create folder /etc/adchpp if it doesn't exist chmod 7777
4.Move config folder here - open it and edit to what it needs to be.
Set name, descr, buffers, hosts, ssl etc
uncomment <!--Plugins Path="~/adchpp/"--> to <Plugins Path="~/adchpp/"/>
5. Create folder certs in /home/$user/adchpp put your ssl certs there!
6. Move Scripts and Plugins folders into /home/$user/adchpp
7. Create folder /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/ place there
8. edit /etc/adchpp/Script.xml -edit script path absolute
/home/$user/adchpp/Scripts and add your scripts there.
Run your soft executing:
sudo ./adchppd -c /etc/adchpp/config/
Don't forget sudo ulimit -n 10000 or whatever is needed before executing above or increase limits pernamently to have them set there for good. Otherwise by default you will be limited to max 1024 online users.
This should be it. If it doesn't work it means i forgot something. Let me know if that's a case.
PS.: Flylinks will be getting disconnected sometimes with Your PID does not correspond to CID error message. Flylink devs were notified on this issue and it was fixed recently. Please update your flylinks!
Update May 12 - 2022:
Latest Ubuntu 22.04 LTS comes with new version of scons(4.0.1+dfsg-2) some things got depreciated here thus we get this error:
- Code: Select all
[b]scons mode=release arch=x64
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
AttributeError: 'SConsEnvironment' object has no attribute 'SourceCode':
File "/home/txc/adchpp2/adcpp/SConstruct", line 220:
env.SourceCode('.', None)[/b]
Removing completely line 220 in SConstruct works for now.