Low ram usage and low on CPU.
Fully supported - any version will do just fine.
Get the latest version here:
else to avoid exploits:
Verlihub 0.9.8C and older
To determine the hub to ignore wrong CTM's: !set check_ctm 1
To determine the hub to check CTM's and kick the user: !set check_ctm 3
To determine the hub to check active searches: !set check_asearch 1
To determine if the hub is set up correctly: !getconfig
Verlihub 0.9.8D and newer
To determine the hub to check CTM's and kick the user: !set check_ctm 1
To determine the hub to check active searches: !set check_asearch 1
To determine if the hub is set up correctly !getconfig
We will remove all hubs running verlihub versions lower than 0.9.8e-rc2 soon.
So please update!